I myself, like I know others had, have had dreams of destruction.
I had most of the dreams of this kind of the aftermath of a cataclysm.
These weren't nightmares in the original sense of nightmares.
I've been in my neighborhood seeing that many houses fell apart and there was debris all around.
I've been downtown seeing that the tramways could not move correctly because the bridge I saw
collapsed into the Danube.
In another dream the cataclysm happened when some aliens arrived.
They came stating they're nice and tricked everyone into liking them.
There was a gathering at a large field where everyone was happy happy,
then the aliens and I (I was with them, but was not an alien myself)
moved into the spaceship. Then some large explosions were heard. It
may have been giant rockets as I thought in the dream, but don't really know.
Then, I had to go to my neighborhood. It must have been autum for there
were a lot of brown leaves everywhere. The streets around my neighborhood
were empty, and I was sent back to get a few people, or not. I don't know
the reason. I had a telephone call with someone who was very scared. I had
to tell him, "Please just wait until the end of the world comes. We cannot help you."
Yet another dream like this is Detonating Mars, Running from a pink explosion, War,
and also the 2012 part of Happiness?, 2012, Dragons, which dreams I will not repeat here.
Mercy: "I always thought I was the queen of these dreams. it's all i seem to see when i sleep anymore.
the other night I saw a whole feild up in flames. all the wild flowers burnt up.
i've had worse but I don't feel like sharing right now. maybe some other time."
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