2012, Dragons, Happiness?
By Firstchild, dreamt on 2001.08.12
I had four dreams (those that I
remember), three of which I remembered fully, and the fourth just a little (I've
never remembered so much before). The dreams I remember vibrated between being
magickal/spiritual and holding a message and between having some coincidential
I'm most interested in the interpretation of the third dream, because in that I was myself, but I did not control myself. Everything I said came from somewhere else, if you know what I mean.
Dream no.1:
I was in the "computer room" of our flat (the place I am sitting in right now - it's just called computer room because the computer's inside ^^). I felt very out of energy so I dropped myself onto the bed. I knew that the moment I close my eyes some creatures will come to test me/kill me/whatever, but with not a positive will. "I'm too tired, I don't want to do this anymore right now!", I cried. But then I got up with "all right, if it must be done, I'll do it". But as soon as I left the room I collapsed from being worn out. At that instant, I saw two hands shining bright white (maybe gloves). The hands held my hands gently. I heard the voice "Come with me!"
I find myself on a hill, beautiful strong sunlight, great air, gentle breeze, a few white clouds. I look around the view. Downwards is a small
road, then lower the ground with a town. The view was the most beautiful scene I ever saw! With sunlight coming through the clouds and all...
Niluda was with me, she took two photos, one of the scene, one of me. I said, "I'll go get my camera!", but she said, "No, you mustn't. This picture was only made for us and none other."
Then I jumped off onto the road and sprinted up the hill shouting: "I'm happy!"
I saw her smiling down at me. And I was happy.
Dream 2:
It was a long one about lottery winners, some biscuits with mushrooms and cheese in them, and a cellular phone commercial printed in the sky with an aeroplane. Nothing interesting.
Dream 3:
I was in a house, it looked abandoned. No furniture, it was in an after-war state. There was one man near the exit. He was counting: 19, 18, 17... I went to him and asked "What are you counting?". I noticed there's a robed person blocking the exit. But it was not similar to any robed creatures I've seen before. The robes were brown and the color of the head-piece was different from the robes (yellow maybe? I don't remember). And he held his hands in a strange way. Under the head-covering thingee there was darkness, except for two strange yellowish-reddish lights. The man answered my question: "It is December 22." I said, "What? 2012?"
"Yes," the man replied. "This is the countown, calculated by C......." (forgot the name!)
Then I went "nooooooooooooooooooo!"
We exited the building, the man and the robed person following me.
From the outside, I was reassured that the building was a ruin. Nothing but a burnt-down ceiling (though it had a normal ceiling), and otherwise, stone.
In front of me lay hundreds of people. They were all sleeping. I wanted to speak, but I had no voice. I ran to them (but I was slowed down
by some force) and said in a dying voice, "What happened to your belief in a God?!" - A few people got up. I asked again, more people got up.
Then I turned around, and saw the people going towards the man and the robed being. They were upset. A strong-willed woman with long hair started shouting at the robed being........ I woke up.
Dream 4:
I'm on a concrete road, leading to the city, but up high. The atmosphere is something like in Dream 1. I notice an interesting-looking cloud. Well,
it's not an ordinary cloud. It's a dragon cloud. But not just a cloud looking like a dragon. It's a perfectly full and detailed dragon. (The long eastern
one with wings, or something). Then I look to my left, and there's a dragon art collection on the grass...
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