Book of Visions: The Gathering
last update: March 1, 2002
Firstchild seen around the fall of 1999
I was in a desert, not with sand but alkaline soil. There was quite a lot of fog.
I saw myself from the outside, walking. People were walking behind me, but their
number grew. First just a few, then some more, and in the end, tens of thousands
of people were following me. Then I saw the mountain. One tall mountain, that was
where we were heading. We got to the base of the mountain, where we stopped.
In front of us were 9 people. All dark - I could see their outlines, but they were
dark so I couldn't see their faces, nor clothes, nor anything. Then, there was
a cut. Some time passed. We were walking up the side of the mountain... This all
repeated three or four times.
For the following days, one sentence echoed in
my head: Find the Chosen...
Over the time, the vision had some variations, sometimes I saw the formations of the people,
in one vision I had a weapon with me (from the description, I was told that it's a Groundstaff),
in others we were fighting. In one vision, I sticked the Groundstaff into the soil with all my
power, thus releasing a large quantity of energy.
I also had a vision with night-time. I saw a map of the mountain area, and I saw all
those people as little dots. Then it all zoomed in, and I could see all the people,
walking around, talking with each other. It was like a great "party".
KB, posted on June 17, 2000
I have had a recurring dream-quest that involves the migration of many peoples
to a mountain. In mine, they have been to Mt. Shasta in northern California.
I have studied this dream-quest for years and have yet to lock on to a solid
definition of it. Chain Dog, it's funny you mention the dark clothes as
in the dream-quest there are people dressed in black robes, though there number
is much greater than 8 *smile*.
Celyddon, Date posted: 2000.06.19
Oh, and Firstchild--I had a vision too--but I was atop that mountain, in a lighted
cave. In the cave was some sort of crystal globe in a niche, which was on a
pedestal connected to the floor. Suddenly, it started to glow softly...and I
heard voices in the mountain--as if the mountain itself were speaking--saying
"The children will time...when they--and you--are ready, you shall
meet...and the world shall undergo a great and wondrous change."
Comments: the globe was originally an ivory color. When it started glowing, it was
a faint golden white. (Celyddon, 2000.06.)
Possible solutions: I think it speaks for itself. (Firstchild, 2001.12.27)
LittleRed on Saturday, July 08, 2000 - 01:21 am:
Hello Firstchild,
Just to let you know, I live on a mountain. I also have had visions of a great gathering. Peace is coming to earth. Those who tell you other wise are just not opened minded to see.
I also see people following me hundreds of people. I am also told the one who is to lead us is just being called and is still doubting his path. Do not doubt yourself. For you may be the choosen one. I have also been told that the mountain my family and I live is a meeting place.
I am also to help bring peace and love to this earth. I thought I was crazy also or it was just my desire to see peace on earth but I am told it is true. The more I believe in me and my calling the more I learn and the more my abilities are coming to me.
Walk your path with belief and trust. You will have help on your journey. You will find guidence. The guidence you need is with you look inside and find it. We have spirit guides to guide us; yours is with you. Call on him/her they will come.
Those who tell you you are crazy or on drugs you know how they do dont let them get to you. Follow your heart for it knows all. Peace and Love be with you. Oh yes, I almost forgot in my vision of the people I seen hundreds of people following the people following I could see in light. I was one of the leaders of the people but not the main leader. I seen a group of people not many but dont know number we were surrounded by darkness when I looked infront of us it was dark but when I looked to the hundreds of followers they where in light. I for some reason also seen the American flag. This flag may not have no signifigance but I thought I would tell you of it. Thank you, again.
Comments: - LittleRed asked me some times to email her, because she has
more to tell. I did what she asked, but I did not receive any answers. Shortly
after, LittleRed disappeared from SOL. LittleRed, if you are around, please contact
me. (Firstchild, 2001.12.30.)
- Since we found out that the place this all plays is most probably Mojave Desert,
California (according to certain music
videos), it could be that the American flag meant that the event will happen
in America. (Firstchild, 2002.02.02.)
Lunar1, posted on 05.08.2001
I'm reminded of two things. One is a vision I had a while back, and another
is a dream I had recently. I will begin with the dream:
I am standing on a tall mountain top. All around are cliffs that seem to fall
forever. There are robed people. I don't recall the number, but nine rings
right. They are talking but I'm not listening. I'm too busy looking
around. Other people are there too. I only personally know Mark. Others look
like strangers, but feel strangely familiar. After a while, I'm able to
put a name to their faces: Mercy, SCB, Cleric, Firstchild, Dormant, and several
others. They are all listening with intense look on their faces.
Suddenly, we are all strapped onto slates of stone. I feel fear as if they are
going to sacrifice us. But they don't. Instead, they start chanting. A white-glowing
energy starts enveloping individuals, one by one. They all close their eyes
and begin receiving power. When they get to me, I start getting squirmish. The
energy feels wrong. I do not want it in me. So I start screaming. They take
me off the slate to try to calm me down. Everyone looks worried. The robed people
say "Sometimes the transition is to intense and we have to stop. She'll
be okay, she just needs rest." I start screaming for them to stop doing
whatever they're doing because it is hurting them. Two of the robed people
try to restrain me. In my struggle, I fall off the cliff.
As I'm falling, images flash in my mind. Strange images of flying and feeling
the wind beneath my wings. All of a sudden, I hear this beautiful soft and gentle
voice guiding me. She is not speaking any human language, yet I understand her.
She is coaching me, saying how I can do this. All of a sudden, I stop falling.
I open my eyes and I'm floating. There is a weird sensation on my back.
As I turn around to see, I perceive beautiful purple wings with a golden glaze.
Feathers (although strangely I know feathers are there because I wish them
to be there) flutter in the wind. Determined, I fly upward, back to the
mountain top.
When I get there, everyone looks at me with amazement and wonder. I sense fear
from the robed people. Mercy yells out: "I want my wings too". And everyone
else yells in agreement. I say "In due time". And I grab a wand (or
rather sceptre) that was floating near by. As I grab it, the robed people
gasp and all of a sudden, these tiny glowing beingsd appear. They look confused.
It turns out that they have been dying and giving their souls to us for power.
Somehow, I was the only one to know. I begin appologising to the tiny beings.
And then I wake up.
Pretty complicated dream, right?
As for my vision ... I might have told it before, but I'm again reminded
of it. So please excuse me if I'm repeating myself ...
The vision is fairly simple. About a hundred of people (all dressed in white
and red robes), me included, are standing in a circle around an object chanting.
We seem to be on a mountain top, but all around us is fire and chaos. Suddenly,
both us and the object are lifted in the air and surrounded with a golden light.
Perhaps something will ring a bell in this vision ... At least I hope so ...
Mercy, posted on 05.08.2001.
a while back I had a vision of the mountain but it was in a time that I call 'post-mountain',
that means we've already done the gather the people climb the mountain thing.
it was all purple and red outside and it was raining. I was standing on a cliff
on the mountain and over looking the area. the burning forest valley was no more
and all the vegitation looked dead. I was dressed in all black and had a scyth
(a really pretty one) and I had my wings. they were big and black with
tiny little silver specks in them that made them look shiny. I let the rain drench
me for a few and then I looked back out over the horizon and sighed and then walked
back down the mountain.
and then of course there's my origional vision which is almost exactly like
firstchilds but i was hovering over the mountain, no one told me to do anything,
i saw people climbing the mountain, and I saw the burning forest valley.
and then I had a dream that I was leading a group of people up the mountain and
we were chanting something and then when I got up there I met with some people
I didn't know but knew and then come to find out it was all of you guys and
then some guy named Adam came up the mountain and we talked and then i woke up.
and then, (it's getting old isn't ^_^) I had this dream where
I was on this stone slab and all I could see was the sky and I was chained to
it and i was really scared and I could feel that death was near by. then i woke
up again.
Comments: actually I had my first vision of the mountain thing when I was
8. along with some other ones I can't really remember. but then when I told
my parents about them they told me it was just my mind playing tricks on me and
they said to stop playing like that. or something to that nature. then I had it
again when I was either 13 or 14...I can't remember exactly.
Daersha on 05.08.2001
I have something to confes. I have also several views in the mountain vision that
I think you should know. I have been here awhile mainly watching.
The first time I saw something was when I was reading Firstchilds vision This
was something that was new for me at the time. I could see myself on a mountain
with on one side a burning valley and to the other side a a desert with a great
group coming. I was dressed in black robes standing with others all dressed in
black. We went to a seat carved out of the stone. There sat a person completely
dressed in red robes. We were listening to him as he was giving orders to every
one of us. When he came to me he gave the order to :"Make sure that they are
worthy in power and knowledge to cross this mountain.
I did not know what to do so I watched and listened en helped where I could. Than
I met arcane he helped me to see how my soul looked like and what my soulname
was. He found a halfdragon as soul going under the name of Daersha. Even with
this information I still do not know what to do.
I also know a thing of mercy for I saw her. flying in the sky above the mountain.
The thing that I learned that it was someone who was not to be taken likely.
Jay on 07.08.2001.
i decided that i can't be a watcher to many things come to me. I just (not
too long ago as in minutes) saw myself flying over towards the mountain with
the valey burning in the backround. As i got closer the energy that was flowing
through me kept raising higher and higher. Every time i have a vision i get a
cold shudder
and my mind is in the vision. Its the same at the end of the vission. I shudder
at the clod chill and am back
Its wierd. I just hope it doesn't happen when i start driving lol
I saw another vision in like twenty minutes of the first. I was flying close to
the mountain(this is where mine differes from your guys') I'm
floating above and see the nine chanting. I land and see you guys( i know
you are there mercy but your the only one i do know) then i wake up. its like
a clip scene between seeing the nine chanting and seeing you guys. (why did
it show up like that?)
Windstar on 07.08.2001.
I just had a premonition:
I saw myself flying towards a mountain like you. The mountain was on fire, as
was the valley beneath it. I saw nine shadowy figures chanting, "ayewa ayewa!
durnor! ateva! selorn! selorn!" (I don't recognize the language.)
As I neared them, I saw myself crying tears of blood; I was dressed in flowing
robes (blue robes). Then, everything burst into flame. I saw a dark dragon
rising in the background. (My guardian dragon, Canopus, is a dark dragon.)
It looked at me and said "awaken!". Then everything flashed and I returned
to my normal consciousness.
I am running a scan (mentally) on the chant. I don't recognize the
language it's in, but I may be able to find similarities to other languages.
I'll post anything I discover.
Comments: Everyone, I found something vaguely familiar to the chant in
my vision. I translated the words into High Elven. (Elven sounds a lot like
the language of the chant.) The result I got is kind of freaky. It's only
a rough translation, but it's better than no translation. Roughly, it comes
out as "ayava! ayava! tardor! esteva! celdor! celdor!". That translates
as "Don't be in awe! Don't be in awe! Land beyond! Don't Repose!
Land of the stream! Land of the stream!".
The "land of the stream", to me, is either a reference to Atlantis, or
a reference to the rivers of ether energy that run through each plane to hold
them together. I'm going to try to translate it into Ingonorretil. (I'm
not sire that's how you spell it, but roughly it's the language of the
Magick Kingdom. Until I can attempt to find the Magick Kingdom's real name,
I refer to it as Ingonorre--High Elven for "Land of Magick"). If anyone
is willing, please translate it into Druatch. "Translate" based on sound
and spelling. Thanks.
Firstchild on 27 February 2002
I was sleepy all morning. First class in school: Latin translation. About 8:15 something clicked in me. The air felt just like two and a half years ago - the first vision which started everything. I felt the urge to stretch, so I did. When I returned to my normal position, an Indian raga (Indian Indian, not American Indian) started playing in my head. I had never heard it before. It was not slow and was putting on speed. I saw in the bright vision the desert, again. I was in the front with the people behind me. I raised my staff, the inside emitted a light so powerful it erased the whole view in white. Heavenly light, it was.
Then, another picture. The nine robed ones (now clearly robed) stood in a circle before us. Then, with magick, a pillar of white light and purple was created. It looked like it had a metallic base on the ground, from which the pillar came. It went up into the sky and spread.
I heard the words, "Wake up, First Child!" (in English). I replied, "I am already awake!". Then I heard, "No, you are not". I do not think it was my brain this time, the dialogue went too rapidly.
The music which went on in my mind got faster and faster, I saw something like a tribe in a village, some people were dancing a ritual dance around a fire in ecstasy.
I opened my eyes. No one noticed - they were translating in silence. I thought maybe a minute had passed. I looked at my watch, it was 8:20. The music continued to go in my head until it stopped after a time...
Rogue on unknown date
I have had a dream of a gathering in a large field around an old tree.
Seemed to be a gathering of peace rather than anything else. Like old friends
coming together. Although I don't know who the poeple were.
It was just like a grass field no flowers that I can recall, although I'm
sure there might have been some but I don't remember seeing any. As for wind
well I was so caught up in what was happening that I barely noticed the sensations
I felt were very powerful.
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