Book of Visions - part 1
The Mountain -- By: Firstchild
I was in a desert, not with sand but alkaline soil. There was quite a lot of fog. I saw myself from the outside, walking. People were walking behind me, but their number grew. First just a few, then some more, and in the end, tens of thousands of people were following me. Then I saw the mountain. One tall mountain, that was where we were heading. We got to the base of the mountain, where we stopped.
In front of us were 9 people. All dark - I could see their outlines, but they were dark so I couldn't see their faces, nor clothes, nor anything. Then, there was a cut. Some time passed. We were walking up the side of the mountain... This all repeated three or four times.
For the following days, one sentence echoed in my head: Find the Chosen...
Unknown person -- By: Firstchild Date posted: 2000.06.19
I saw someone with long dark hair crouching on a stone
bridge high above the surface, and he had his left hand on a gold-hilted long
sword. I couldn't see the face because the long hair was covering it (so
I don't know the gender)
The bridge was leading to a castle-looking building. The sun was going down
and there were reddish mountains in the back (color may vary because of
the lighting)
Possible solutions: None. Maybe it was the sign of a person I must meet.
Maybe I have met him already. This was a long time ago. (Firstchild, 2001.12.27)
Earth and entities -- By: Firstchild Date posted: 2000.06.19
Once I had a vision about the world, I've seen the Earth and some higher
entities like gods were fighting for it.
Possible solutions: There certainly is something up with humanity. It just got to my mind that more
and more people are awakening and it's a natural reaction to the way humanity
is going. Just think about it. The consumer people hurt the others and after a
while they discover where this world is heading to... (Firstchild, 2000.06.19)
Initiation -- By: Celyddon Date posted: 2000.06.19
I had the most powerful vision on May 14 of that year. I was a victim,
helpless in the face of those images--only able to watch. My past lives, my
powers, and my destiny were all revealed in that one night--and a sort of transformation
took place. It's hard to describe what happened to me--but all I can say
is that something told me that my humanity had been stripped away for good.
I met my Teacher on the Astral that night as well, and since then I have actually
jumped Masters because I learn so fast. I have always had an inward view on
life--I guess that helped. The connection was fast and smooth.
On the Mountain -- By: Celyddon Date posted: 2000.06.19
Oh, and Firstchild--I had a vision too--but I was atop that mountain, in a lighted
cave. In the cave was some sort of crystal globe in a niche, which was on a
pedestal connected to the floor. Suddenly, it started to glow softly...and I
heard voices in the mountain--as if the mountain itself were speaking--saying
"The children will time...when they--and you--are ready, you shall
meet...and the world shall undergo a great and wondrous change."
Comments: the globe was originally an ivory color. When it started glowing, it was
a faint golden white. (Celyddon, 2000.06.)
Possible solutions: I think it speaks for itself. (Firstchild, 2001.12.27)
Miscellaneous -- By: Firstchild Date posted: 2000.06.21
Today's vision showed a green marble inside of a building, it looked like a train station.
Possible solutions: None. (Firstchild, 2001.12.27.)
Last week I saw a large dark room with every wall gold an altar-like object.
Possible solutions: None. (Firstchild, 2001.12.27.)
And there was another vision of a mysterious purple-wireframed room, in the middle of space
(there were all these galaxies and stars and planets around), containing doors with the signs of the zodiac on them.
I approached the door with Libra...
Possible solutions: I've been thinking about this one for a time. Since I'm Libra,
it could be some sort of memory from before I was born. Then again, maybe not. (Firstchild, 2001.12.27.)
The Gathering -- By: LittleRed on Saturday, July 08, 2000 - 01:21 am:
Hello Firstchild,
Just to let you know, I live on a mountain. I also have had visions of a great gathering. Peace is coming to earth. Those who tell you other wise are just not opened minded to see.
I also see people following me hundreds of people. I am also told the one who is to lead us is just being called and is still doubting his path. Do not doubt yourself. For you may be the choosen one. I have also been told that the mountain my family and I live is a meeting place.
I am also to help bring peace and love to this earth. I thought I was crazy also or it was just my desire to see peace on earth but I am told it is true. The more I believe in me and my calling the more I learn and the more my abilities are coming to me.
Walk your path with belief and trust. You will have help on your journey. You will find guidence. The guidence you need is with you look inside and find it. We have spirit guides to guide us; yours is with you. Call on him/her they will come.
Those who tell you you are crazy or on drugs you know how they do dont let them get to you. Follow your heart for it knows all. Peace and Love be with you. Oh yes, I almost forgot in my vision of the people I seen hundreds of people following the people following I could see in light. I was one of the leaders of the people but not the main leader. I seen a group of people not many but dont know number we were surrounded by darkness when I looked infront of us it was dark but when I looked to the hundreds of followers they where in light. I for some reason also seen the American flag. This flag may not have no signifigance but I thought I would tell you of it. Thank you, again.
Comments: LittleRed asked me some times to email her, because she has more
to tell. I did what she asked, but I did not receive any answers. Shortly after,
LittleRed disappeared from SOL. LittleRed, if you are around, please contact.
(Firstchild, 2001.12.30.)
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