Hi there!
I'm a newbie here, and I'm real glad I found a forum where I could finally
talk about my things.
I'm really sorry I'm not posting everything in its own topic but please
excuse me since I don't know where to put a lot of things and I want to
tell the whole story which happened to me, without having to cut it to hundreds
of pieces.
To start with, some introduction. I'm a 15 years old artist-type Hungarian
boy. Since my childhood I was always tossed out of society because I was "different".
I always thought else about the world, humanity, relationships, etc that made
me different from "everyday" people (differences are also like I
have long hair, I like to think about philosophy and stuff, etc.). In primary
school I was a perfect student and once finished two grades in one year. I've
just started piano again, which I have played for 8 years, and guitar, which
I have played for 3-4 years. I make computer games, compose music, write novels,
poems, and stuff like this.
I am formally Christian, but my parents never forced me to go to church or anything,
they let me pick the religion I wanted to pick. In conclusion, I now have a
religion "of my own", which is made from the ideas I like from the religions
I know about.
Ok, so here's my story (it's going to be very long, I'm afraid):
You see, since I was little, "strange" things have been happening to
me (I always have believed in supernatural things and felt they are a part
of me, but not really until recently).
I had the ability of healing (by hand) since I was 7-8 years old (never
had a chance to practice it, though). Once one of the family's friends
who have died appeared in my room, glowing in light. Plus some minorities like
an awful lot of empathic ability (which means if I watch a movie, I can
be one with a character and exactly feel what they feel, and this is not just
for movies but life, too)
Last year I started to realize that this whole world is just a fake, meaning
this fully money- and material-centered consumer-world is going nowhere and
I'm stuck with a lot of people around me who don't care nor know anything
about this, though they are at least a year older than I am (I was fourteen
then, they were 15 because of my grade-jumping). I was still not really
into supernatural things and all, I didn't care about them much nor knew
anything about them.
Then in september'99, we listened to a raga from India at music class. I
started to close my eyes intuitively and then fell in a trance or something
and I saw a vision of myself along with hundreds of people following me walking
towards a big mountain, and when we were almost there, I saw some people (I
think 9, but I'm not sure) totally covered in dark opposing us.
The vision ended, but it left a message shouting out in my mind for the following
weeks: "Find the Chosen".
At first I didn't know how to start this whole search but I knew I had to.
Following my instincts for the first time in my life I found four people, first
of them was my soulmate. The two of us had a lots of (low-level) experience.
Certain clues have popped up about how these Chosen would look like: awareness
of the materialist world's hipocrisy and all, connection with any kind of
supernaturality, being an artist and keeping the soul of the child.
Since the vision, I have encountered a lot of "unnormal" things. Coincidences
have been playing an enormous part in my life since then.
All the people who I have met since, I have met them coincidentally, and they
all have supernatural powers, experience or knowledge.
I can often tell what's gonna come on TV or in the news, sometimes I can
make music videos not seen for years show again by just thinking about them.
Two months ago, little beams of light started flashing on my hands (the
number of the lights and the speed of their flashing are bigger and bigger every
time. I still don't have a clue what this is).
When I put my hands against a wall or a table and close my eyes, I can feel
the surface waving like it was water or something. When I look up in the sky
i can see bubbles or somethings floating around. I can sometimes read other's
thoughts or send my thoughts to other's minds. I hear voices in my head
before going to sleep (or not going because of all that noise :). Sometimes
I go to sleep by losing consciousness.
Recently I go and sit quietly in nature (I don't know if this is meditation
or not), and I have found that in nature there's an enormous source
of energy, and in everything there is nature (I now can't understand
how man can destroy nature if he's a part of it and he possibly can't
survive without it!). I sometimes feel in this state that I am one with
Nature and I feel the whole of the Earth in me. Sometimes it happens that I'm
walking in the street and everybody from the buses, sidewalks, etc. are staring
at me like they're frozen, and you know I'm not that ugly :)
One year has passed, and I can see that I've evolved and gained more and
more experience during this time, while the other four didn't really, they
more likely started to think about this as a mere hobby or just stayed on their
on level, not going further. I have found more people who are on an even higher
level then I am (as in abilities).
Now I'm trying to find someone who can teach me how to use my abilities
or who can answer my questions which i have mentioned before (of course
the others want to do the same thing, but I don't want to write the abilities
they want to get help on, especially instead of them)
Well, that's my story so far, thanks if you read this long long message.
--By KB- on Monday, June 12, 2000 - 01:35 pm:
While in a dream that was nothing like a dream, were you made to endure the
test of pain?
You will either know what I am talking about or not. If you do, would you be
willing to share it? If you don't know what I am talking about, then never
mind *smile*.
--By Celyddon on Friday, June 16, 2000 - 08:56 pm:
--By Anonymous 1 on Friday, June 16, 2000 - 03:36 pm:
First off- Firstchild...
You gave me chills. Mostly because of my plan to eventually go to Mt. Everest
. My reasoning compares it to Mt. Olympus. If diety was to live on a mountain,
wouldn't it be the highest point? Even so, it might have power. There is
another place I have to go for the religion "of my own". I'd rather
not be asked about this place. I'm also considering a trip to the largest
mountain in the west. The main characteristic of my religion is belief in one
God, but I'm searching through organized religions.
The world now is lacking ethics. I am a vegan which means I don't eat animals
or use products that have animals in them. I oppose animal testing as well as
I can.
I also see spots: different colors, in the air, in the sky. There was a discussion
here about it called WEIRD. Someone said they are the beginnings of a spirit
forming, someone else called them fractals.
If you don't mind telling, what date in 6/99 did you have this vision?
Second, KB-
I've recorded my dreams for 3 years, I believe I have had at least one dream
of the type you mentioned. What's the significance?
--By KB- on Saturday, June 17, 2000 - 08:40 am:
I have had a recurring dream-quest that involves the migration of many peoples
to a mountain. In mine, they have been to Mt. Shasta in northern California.
I have studied this dream-quest for years and have yet to lock on to a solid
definition of it. Chain Dog, it's funny you mention the dark clothes as
in the dream-quest there are people dressed in black robes, though there number
is much greater than 8 *smile*.
I have also experienced the trial of pain, or test of pain, on more than one
occasion and the experiences have been in a state that was not a dream, not
OBE/AP, dream-quest or vision - it is the most unique state of consciousness
I've experienced. One of the tests was directly associated with the above
To be honest, I am not sure of what signifcance there could be, other than my
own (hopefull) ability to make sense of my experiences. If you would
be willing to share in your test - Celyddon, you as well - then perhaps some
good (at least some understanding) can come of it for us all.
--By gold dust on Sunday, June 18, 2000 - 07:23 am:
You said "Recently I go and sit quietly in nature (I don't know
if this is meditation or not), and I have found that in nature there's
an enormous source of energy, and in everything there is nature (I now can't
understand how man can destroy nature if he's a part of it and he possibly
can't survive without it!). I sometimes feel in this state that I am
one with Nature and I feel the whole of the Earth in me. Sometimes it happens
that I'm walking in the street and everybody from the buses, sidewalks,
etc. are staring at me like they're frozen, and you know I'm not that
ugly :)"
I've had that happen to me - everyone staring like they can't quite
believe what they are seeing. It was while I was doing a spiritual healing workshop.
I must have absorbed so much energy from it that people just couldn't stop
looking at me ... it was very strange.
Anyway, I'm guessing that's what you are doing when you feel the whole
of the Earth in you. You have an incredible sense of the power of Earth, and
you must be allowing it to flow through you, charging you up.
Right now Earth is evolving, all life on the Earth is evolving too. People are
a lot slower at the evolution than Nature, though some are accelerating in the
evolutionary change going on right now. I'm guessing you are beyond most
people around you - what level you are at I have no idea. :-)
--By Firstchild on Saturday, June 17, 2000 - 02:04 pm:
I've read about the uranus-saturn getting in line with Earth
that occurs every 20 years. This alignment always determines something
about humanity's culture and development. It was on 28th May and it ends
the 200 year old materialistic era, and starts a period that will last for 20
years (until the next jupiter-saturn alignment). Until then the
fight between the materialists and the "others" (transcendental or magickal people, maybe?) will raise drastically.
I can see tendencies to that already.
And when I read that, something really zoomed into me saying I will take some
part in this fight.
Take my advice, do NOT get involved if you can. This "fight" is a little
more then just a fight. It has been going on for more then just the start of
the 20 years of conflict, and I seriousely dobt that it will end after the 20
Trust me.
--By Celyddon on Sunday, June 18, 2000 - 09:26 am:
Chain Dog--you are right. This
has been going on for millenia; I have been involved with the Fight for at least
one millenium. There are many players; should you choose to join the Fight,
you will be among thousands of others.
The trial I remember the most was this--
I had recently joined the Fight. On the Astral, I take the form of a seraph.
I had been fighting for my side against what were Evil forces, when my best
friend on the Astral came up behind me and slashed me with a poisoned dagger.
I fell unconscious, and when I woke up I had been captured as a prisoner of
war. My best friend had betrayed me. The Evil forces took over my mind--I was
still present, but helpless to do anything but watch--and controlled my body
and actions. I was used like a war machine, fighting against my friends and
everything I'd worked for--and destroyed entire legions of them. My power
was much too strong. I finally escaped--barely--but my morale was broken. It
took centuries for me to regain it.
The only other trial I really remember was a test of champions for both sides--the
legions under the Chosen and the Evil forces. I had to fight their Champion--what
we would consider to be the King of Hell--and I knew he was MUCH stronger than
me. Besides that, I had to combat under a handicap; they clipped my primaries
(feathers, that is) so I couldn't fly.
Most of my dreams involve me fighting at the head of those who wish enlightenment--and
I am always fighting against those who represent ignorance, evil, greed, and
superiority/power complexes. Something reverberates through me, telling me that
I will lead this Fight--but, seeing what I have seen, I'm not sure that
I want to.
Celyddon S'Aviy
--By gold dust on Sunday, June 18, 2000 - 06:45 pm:
you're most likely able to remember an alternative (and parallel)
plane of reality (accessed normally in deepest dreamtime and generally forgotten)
that currently exists to balance polarity. Because you are involved in fight
in an alternative plane it means you don't have to do it here. Each of the
alternate planes of reality are integrated at different levels of evolution,
so they eventually stop balancing out your polarity and you start being able
to choose what you want to do instead.
The URL to the Spiritual School of Ascension is www.ascendpress.org. I've been reading their stuff for nine months now and just recently had a phone session with one of their healers... all I can say is that alot of stuff that I've been reading all my life in other places seems to have lead me to these guys... spiritual healing, ancient Egypt, forbidden archeology, Atlantis, ascension and moving to the 5th dimension - it's all there.
I hope you find it useful. The forces of the dark would prefer than humanity think everything's fine and that ascension is guaranteed.
--By gold dust on Monday, June 19, 2000 - 02:47 am:
In this time of great change,
war is always a possibility. But it is a possibility that hasn't manifested
yet, and can be kept from manifesting by consciously changing the mass thoughtform
of humanity to prevent such a happening. Plus the fact that WWIII is currently
underway on a number of unconscious planes of reality keeps it from happening
on the primary physical plane.
Yes, the end of world is underway right now, but what that means is the old
world is coming to an end and a new world is being born. Everything is changing,
and for a while things may be extremely chaotic. Finding your centre during
this time and staying true to your soul purpose is essential during this time,
which includes keeping a positive vision of the future.
As for Revelations, it what has been widely distributed via "the bible"
is incomplete. John died before he could finish it Revelations. The final book
was channeled instead and kept for safekeeping by 7 of the old Christian churches.
It was never included in the Bible because it would completely obliterate the
power structure the Church has worked so hard to create. see (http://www.senet.com.au/~brains/page6.htm)
--By Celyddon on Friday, June 30, 2000 - 11:27 am:
The Fight--Good vs. Evil, in simplest terms. It's also Love vs. Hate, etc. The angel vs. the devil type thing. Not everyone takes sides, though. Most of my friends have not.
The groundstaff
--By Firstchild on Sunday, June 18, 2000 - 01:55 pm:
just remembered that in another version of the vision, i had some kind of weapon
in my hand, if I think about it it's a longer metal rod with a round end,
maybe with a red globe on top. In the vision I pushed it into the ground and
it scattered some tremblings around or something like that. It was a large energy
release. Still, this may just be my imagination playing...
--By Celyddon on Sunday, June 18, 2000 - 08:40 pm:
Was the rod black? If so, it's a Groundstaff. It's used as a channel
for earth energies--hence tying it in with your love of nature and energy and
all that. My weapon of choice is a Waterlance. Most of these are elemental weapons.
(These are the common names for them.)
--By Draykess on Sunday, June 18, 2000 - 10:53 pm:
I've been reading this post
for the past few days.
I can't say much but, wow. I've had dreams about the end of the world
and stuff but never took them seriously,because I get alot of wierd dreams.
Sents you guys are talking about weapons and such, maybe you can help me. In
a dream, well many dreams, I had a sword, it was gold with a black line going
down the middle of the blade, there was a red gem in the handle. The tip was
forked. I've drawn pictures of it and have searched many websites for it,
but can't find it.
--By Celyddon on Monday, June 20, 2000 - 08:55 am:
Draykess-- I believe it is called the Flamesword. Please note that I said THE Flamesword. Meaning there is just one. It has another name...lemme think...oh. Flajarasan. That is in its native tongue.
--By Cleopatra on Monday, June 19, 2000 - 07:05 pm:
Some call told me to venture off this way. I havent been around SOL in a long
long time.
This path you are on is familiar to many. I as well as others, have also felt
that call toward the big mountain. It began when I was about your age as well.
Many are gathered, and prepared with a gift. Visions of Light....ahhh you have
begun quite a journey indeed. You will learn alot about others on this journey
as you have the gift to see "within" that person. It is amazing. And
scary sometimes. People may smile at you but "inside" you will know
they are crying. You will come to lean and trust in this gift that has begun
to grow inside of you.
Just as I have.
I wish I could prepare you for all you are about to expierence. The insight
that will grow inside of you will be....spiritually amazing. You will understand
the seperation between spirit and flesh.
I too sought out a Teacher. But I became the Teacher I sought to find.
You will not find the Chosen one until you are ready to stand before the Chosen.
The journey to that day has just begun......
Angel of Light
--PS to firstchild
Like a double sided mirror reflecting the vision of Time, peering inside to
see what you find. A glimps of yourself and of something more. What you seek
you have already found. What you know may slow to unravel. With each sheading
of invisible skin, a tear will fall in sorrow. Growth that changes you within,
will leave you breathless with wonder.
Many will come, so sweet is the evils voice. Tempting you will the most heart
felt of your desires. May offer you the world, so sincere in form. But do not
falter and do not fall, as that is the scariest thing of all.
To you I speak these words, perhaps answers yet unsaid. But fall helpless and
humble in the strength of the Light, and feel the caressing joy of that something
Shhh like a whisper, but shining in your eyes. A quiet smile of understanding
depth flows freely from your soul. But be warned for fear, for it is very real,
and it prowls day and night. For if you feel its claws, fall freely into the
Light and find the hidden treasure in all.....
Angel of Light
(Those are beautiful words, Cleopatra. Thank you, wherever you may be. -
--By Xandralosgann on Wednesday, June 28, 2000 - 06:31 pm:
Cleopatra, darling dear, it's wonderful to see you. Sorry I haven't
been much in evidence elsewhere, but my children are here for the summer and
I'm....distracted? Wonderfully so.
Firstchild is not gathered yet. The path is long. The dreams and visions are
coming to many as planet awakens. Ask the mother.
Dodia, while empathy is not the purpose of the gathering Cleo spoke of, empathy
is a tool used for the purpose. Empathy can be a wonderful pain in the butt,
can't it? Winks...
The fight is Fear. The gift is Love.
By Celyddon on Monday, June 19, 2000 - 08:30 pm:
And...I had the most powerful vision on May 14 of that year. I was a victim,
helpless in the face of those images--only able to watch. My past lives, my
powers, and my destiny were all revealed in that one night--and a sort of transformation
took place. It's hard to describe what happened to me--but all I can say
is that something told me that my humanity had been stripped away for good.
I met my Teacher on the Astral that night as well, and since then I have actually
jumped Masters because I learn so fast. I have always had an inward view on
life--I guess that helped. The connection was fast and smooth.
Oh, and Firstchild--I had a vision too--but I was atop that mountain, in a lighted
cave. In the cave was some sort of crystal globe in a niche, which was on a
pedestal connected to the floor. Suddenly, it started to glow softly...and I
heard voices in the mountain--as if the mountain itself were speaking--saying
"The children will come...in time...when they--and you--are ready, you shall
meet...and the world shall undergo a great and wondrous change."
(the globe was originally an ivory color. When it started glowing, it was a
faint golden white)
More and more visions day by day. Today was a green marble inside of a building,
looked like a train station. Last time that long-haired guy with the sword,
last week a gold-covered dark room with an altar-like thingee, and before that
a vision of a mysterious purple-wireframed room with doors with zodiacal signs
on them... Any clues on these?
(None came, unfortunately - Firstchild)
I had a dream once that I had wings.. in the dream I was told I had a choice
to keep the wings or simply lose them. Now my spirit knew the answer and I made
my choice. I kept the wings. In the dream I was told that everyone has wings..
I agree with that. I think the dream symbolized that we all have the ability
to become great. We all have our wings but most simply never realize that they
are there. Those that do sometimes feel alone and think that there are not others
around who can sympathize. But if your looking for angels simply look around.
There are many walking with us. *smiles*
Anyway my point has dissolved into the off topic range so I should leave.. just
wanted to get that off my chest..
Well wishes
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