Nightmares, like any other kind of dreams are sometimes a reflection of what we see
(hear and so on) in our waking moments. For example, one might watch a horror movie
and have a nightmare next time they go to sleep. Sometimes there's even a delay between
the perception of information and its reflection in dreams. So, one might see a horror
movie on monday and have a nightmare on a friday. It is in such light that one must
evaluate their waking moments and see if the nightmares stem from this. It is very
important to note that the media has been discussing violence a lot these days
(especially in the US and Canada) and that there has been an increase in violent/nightmarish
dreams of late.
At other times, a nightmare is nothing more than a representation of an internal conflict.
Ask yourself the question : "Is there something that bothers me as of late? Am I facing
the crossroads when it comes to my path in life? Am I facing two directions in my life
and I'm not sure which decision to make?" Also, stress and emotional troubles (depression,
heartbreak and so on) are a form of conflict and can be reflected in nightmares.
The third possibility is a nightmare that is actually a masked attack on the astral
(or any other) plane. If one thinks that this is the case, means of protecting one's
self must be taken. This can be through prayer, energy work (particularly shielding),
communication with spirit guides / angels, and (if experienced in spellcraft) protection spells.
Sometimes dream symbol interpretation helps understand the nightmare. We have a thread
that talks about dream interpretation where you can describe your dreams and have one
or more people help you interpret them.
If you have a question about dreams (or a dream),
visit our Dreams forum.
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