What dreams are has been one of the unsolved mysteries of humanity.
Based on my experiences, dreams can be organized into three basic types:
- Dreams created by your brain (inside dreams), these also have certain types:
- Random elements glued together
- Coherent stories (these make very good crime story-dreams, it's only annoying when you wake up just before the case solves)
- Old memories relived
- The unconscious materializing in symbols or other dream elements to show signs of something wrong with your body/mind/life (see Freud and Jung?)
- Dreams influenced by outer effects (outside dreams), which effects can be:
- Other people consciously entering your dreams
- Other beings wanting to make contact
- The radiations of the Earth where you sleep (Curry- and Hartmann-lines, water flow (?), etc., see radiesthesia(?))
- Also, hormones do seem to affect some dreams (puberty is like that)
- The last type is the mixture of inside and outside dreams.
Another grouping of dreams can be done by looking at the ability of activity in your dreams.
Dreams can go with you like a movie, and in some dreams you get to control things yourself and have free will. The latter is called lucid dreaming.
Some people claim that they don't have dreams. Well that's not true like that. All of us have dreams, the question is whether we remember them or not. And remembering them or not depends on whether we want to or not. Most of the materialistic sort of persons do not care about their dreams. Someone who is interested in their dreams will be able to remember them.
Every night you have multiple dreams. Numbers I do not know, but it is said that each time you are in REM-state, you dream (When you are sleeping, basically, your brain frequency changes between REM and non-REM state. The non-REM state is also called Delta state, and the REM state is also called Alpha state, but don't trust me on this one, check a book on it instead, I'm no professional and I don't want to say something stupid and claim it's truth). Most people remember one or two dreams, but you can train yourself with pure will that you will remember more dreams. I did that and it worked (like before going to sleep, you emphasize to yourself: "I will remember two/three/etc of my dreams in the morning", numbers going gradually up as you remember more).
Dream interpretation is a tricky thing. You can use collective dream interpretations like dream interpretation books or something else along those lines. But keep in mind that it only works if that particular dream uses the collective "code" of dream symbols.
The other way can be much more difficult, but it is one simple phrase: Figure it out!
Your inside dreams are meant for you and they are in "your language", meaning
they use your memories, your experience, your friends, et cetera, so it may be impossible for someone else to understand them (I find most of my dreams to be like that, though that is only me so I cannot tell that you're the same for I only know my dreams and not others'). In other cases, though, it may very well be that others can interpret them. Or if you go to an expert (though it's that's untested from my side) they may help if you feel that the dream is important for you to decipher.
Nightmares are the scary sort of dreams. You know. What they mean? It can be various. Nightmares can be caused by stress, by uncomfortable sleeping or by certain radiations. Some nightmares also have a "refreshing" function: you get rid of your negative energies while receiving the dream.
If you frequently have recurring nightmares, and wake up between 1am to 3 am, that may be a sign of your bed being in a wrong place - if you sleep over water flows or intersecting Hartmann- or Curry-lines, go and have your room checked with a trustable person who can check and analyze Earth radiations and tell you where you could sleep, it does wonders. (My mother had been sleeping over water- and the aforementioned intersections for 17 years and not only did her aura decrease from the healthy one-one and a half metres (3-5 feet) to ten centimetres (4 inches) but she got all sorts of tumours and allergies).
Tips for interpreting dreams. Never jump to conclusions. If you have a dream about, for example, having sex with someone other than who you are with, you should not think about cheating or the phrase "then I must be not loving her/him" instantly. This is a typical (and frequently occurring) hormone-influenced dream. However, it may not necessarily be hormones, but may also be a sign of you having to strengthen your relationship with whoever you are with.
All in all, it has to be said that there can be dozens of interpretations for any dream. The most important part is that you care about them.
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