In the dream I was walking in what looked like a desert, there
was nothing but sand for miles ahead of me. But to one side there was an ocean.
The sky was a golden colour. I had never seen the sky that colour before. It
was like the golden colour of whiskey. There were people around me, some with
robes on and some without. Up ahead of me I could see this huge tree with symbols
carved down the trunk of it.
I was walking towards the tree b/c I wanted to
get a closer look at the symbols, they looked familiar to me. I remember someone
saying that I shouldn't be there. That I wasn't one of them. Then someone came
up and started walking next to me. She was tall with long black hair. She looked
really familiar to me but I don't know where I knew her from. (maybe a past
She said to the others "She stays, she is one of us. A sister.
Look at her back. It is the same." I didn't know what she was talking about
and asked what my back was the same as. She showed me a mirror and in it I could
see these marking down my back (along my spine), they were almost like tattooes.I
don't have any tattoes. She then turned and showed me the same thing on
her back. She looked me in the eye and said " you know but you made yourself
forget. The marking are how we will know our people."
That's when I woke
up. I can't remember what the symbols on the tree were or the markings on my
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