The dreams I had and post here have two basic "genres", so to call them, and they often come in one pack. One of these genres is the "funny" one. I often have totally stupid dreams, meaning they are like TV shows or movies which are written in my style of absurd humour. The other type of dream is the one which has some sort of message or meaning, at least I believe that.
The best representation of my dreams would be Detonating Mars, Pink Explosion, War, which begins with a rather absurd situation (note the dialogue, too), but continues in something dead serious.
I think the reasons for me posting my dreams are simple.
1. Dreams I have may have a meaning. They may have connections to others' dreams (and some do have). Others may help solve the meaning, or may find meaning in them to their own dreams. I think this reason is similar to why this site was done.
2. Many people have had good laughs while hearing my absurd dreams, and I like to help people have a good laugh.
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