I had a dream not too long ago....
the sky was tinted red..I look up, and I see the sun and moon next to each other..
I turn around and I hear a really deep/loud bang, I look back up and see a huge red
swirling vortex where the sun and moon were...then I woke up.
I was in a desert right near a cave..the sun was on the left, and a crescent moon on the right,
about a few hours off noon. I forgot to mention i could see some symbol swirling with colors
right between them, but i dont remember exactly what it looked like.
When i turned around toward the cave behind me, i felt a ground trembling bang from behind.
Then i turn around, look back up and see a red/electric blue vortex where the sun/moon/symbol
were, that seemed to be radiating massive energy. Around the center the vortex was moving counter clockwise,
and the more outer part was moving clockwise.
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