The following are exerpts from one night's dreams:
A small group of people, including me, break into a highly secured area in order to watched
some movies. While the others set up the reels, I look out of a window, and wonder if we will
have to climb the barbed wire fence( the fence was like that at a prison), I look out of the
opposite window and see a group of what seems to be children and young people in front of the
manor or main house. I notice that the sky is cloudy.
Scene change:
I am at a house with my mother, sister, brother-in-law, and some others.
There is a small part about cookies. My brother-in-law leaves because he has to go get something.
I am in the bathroom. I almost cry because my mother is cutting my hair(above the shoulder).
I am upset until I decide that it looks kind of cute. I look into the mirror and notice that
my hair is changing colors. It is turning different shades of red. It then turns blond. I
like the blond-white color, but my hair begins to change back to red and then to black (black
is my hair color at this time). I ask my mother, who is cleaning the toilet, if I can borrow
the bleach again.
Scene change:
I am in a kitchen with several people. I am handed a handkerchief with something inside.
It is a baby(robot?) That I think is designed to help around the house. It was given to me
as a gift so that I would keep quiet and not tell what I knew. I did not want this “gift".
Scene change( from here on, I enjoyed the dreams):
My aunt, an undercover secret agent that happened to be an alien disguised as a human,
and I are in a car. The agent(alien) looks like he is hurt(something about being shot,
experimented on, or Earth’s atmosphere). I do not remember if it was my aunt or I driving.
It would not have been very smart for me to be driving(not a good driver, I would rather
have a horse or a motorcycle). We begin to drive down this dark area that is next to a
graveyard that is surrounded by a big, black fence(one of the old cast iron ones).
We have to turn back and we all begin to argue over that being the wrong way. I try to
explain the reason for my mistake. We drive through town. Something is about to happen.
Scene change:
My aunt, perhaps the agent, and I. Running from tornadoes. (I haven’t had a tornado
dream in a while, although they, along with darkness, are quite common in my dreams).
Scene change:
Another Buffy the Vampire Slayer dream. Buffy like Riley. Buffy no like Riley.
Buffy laying on a daybed with Riley and draping a light colored quilt over them.
I go into Willow’s room. She begins to talk and I notice that her room has recently
been painted. It is speckled with many colors. One wall is different and she tells me
that the speckled ones bring this one out.
Scene change(last scene):
Reality as we know it is collapsing. I am standing in a field. There are big pictures,
almost see-through, a little ways in front of me. They are like theater screens, but
without the screens. There are three screens in a column and there are two columns.
There is action on all the screens. On the screen on the top of the left column, there
is a dragon doing things. People run towards the screens, and then it is total chaos.
People are taking stuff. I remember a basket.
This older lady is there and she decides she doesn’t like me. She starts coming after me
with a knife. The battle begins. The lady really wants me dead. I get a knife, but I have
trouble with thought of slicing and dicing her. But I do it anyway. I knife her. I am still
having trouble with the feeling, so I do it weakly. It took a while before she was on the
ground. I am not sure if she was dead. I had a feeling she might still come after me when I
turned around.
Comments: There are a few things that I do not recall at this time. In one of the dreams,
I received a black knife/saw. I did not really like it because it seemed brittle,
but took it anyway, being respectful. I think that others from the previous dreams
were in the finale. Okay, that about sums it up. I am sorry for any grammatical errors
that I made.
Throughout the dreams, the weather was mentioned. Soon after this dream, parts
of the area in which I reside flooded. We had been experiencing a drought.
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