I wake up in my bed (in the dream) and find that there's quite a lot of people in my room.
It is nighttime, around 23 o'clock. I'm in my pyjamas.
I look around to see who's there (I've never seen these people in person before, mind you).
Right ahead of me is Cleric490, who looks around 25 years old, has a white-ish beard and is
not very slim. He is in a discussion with a fairy (meaning butterfly-wings, pointy ears,
very slim and tall) woman, who I don't know. Both of them are sitting in couches I haven't seen
there before. Cleric has a wine glass in his hand but I can't make out the drink in it.
I look to the right and spot SoakedCatBoy sitting next to me. He looks younger, 21-23 years old.
He looks quite tall and has blondish hair and a straight face. He says "Hi, I brought my friend
with me who I'd like you to meet". There are also a few other people there but I don't talk to them.
I exit my room and go to the kitchen and meet my father, who is cooking some vegetables (at that hour??).
I tell him: "Hope you'll excuse me for being up a bit later, dad, I have an international
conference in my bedroom."
I go back to my room and ... wake up. Seesh. ^^
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