I'm my own current self in this dream. I'm in a local popular TV talkshow, I can see no cameras but I know we're in the show. We're in a small park, it's not far from my high school, however this place does not exist in reality (where it is in the dream there is a concrete road out here).
There are three benches, on each of which two people are sitting. There's a small kid (looks ten years old but they say he's only three), a middle-age woman with short, blonde hair, and there are also others I do not remember.
The topic of the show is something like "Extraordinary people". Now it turns out that in this programme, "extraordinary" means that the people invited can spit water for a long period of time (just like a fountain, see Tom&Jerry), without drinking water - That I cannot do, to add (I don't know who else can do that besides these people in the dream :).
The show goes on. The three-year-old kid is talked of as a real genius, and the middle-age woman is skeptical and always states that she does not believe in the water-spitting, but then again she also can perform this act. Then I spot that the small kid actually drinks water before spitting water, so that is cheating. Unfortunately no one else sees this (which is odd because they are there when the kid does that!) and they continue worshipping him.
The show ends with a contest: who can spit water for a longer period of time. I'm given a bucket full of water and a straw, but I have no idea what to do with it.
In another glimpse, I'm in pyjamas and am making a call in my room, on my bed, with my legs up the wall (some kind of yoga-pose or something like that, you tell me). I'm calling the little kid, but he's not home. I'm talking to his mom, who claims that the kid is only three. I argue with her about him being at least ten but she does not believe me.
Comments: I think this nicely symbolic dream shows what would happen if we tried to take SFTC into the public, or try to talk about whatever we know on TV. This dream shows what happens to such topics: people neither realise it nor listen to the ones they perhaps should listen to.
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