There are only pieces and bits of this dream that I remember, missing parts will be marked with "-snap-".
It's nighttime and I'm coming out of our yard onto our street (what you have to know about our street is that it's quite steep, 30 degrees or so, and we live near the top). -snap- I'm at the bottom of the street and an unknown woman comes up to me and says in English "I have waited long for this meeting, but finally we have met". Walking up on the street, we start talking -snap-
We're approaching the top of the street when she asks me something I can't really say in English. She then says "We can talk in Hungarian if you like" in perfectly fluent Hungarian (my native tongue) -snap-
We stop walking at near the top of the street. I turn back and look downward. There's a car there. Then I say something like "Yes, that's because I'm only half-jew" to her, which is interesting since 1, I don't remember what I replied this to and 2, I'm not half-jew. To this sentence, 13-14 year old girls appear on the aforementioned car and laugh -snap-
I wake up.
Comments: Very very strange dream. I don't know who the woman is but it felt very much as if she was not a creation of my brain but someone living, the whole dream felt like that. I don't know why I don't remember any of the talking but I feel it was important - maybe it is important for my subconscious or unconscious and not for my conscious self.
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