This dream is most interesting because I woke from it three times and went back to it three times. I'm in my own room with my parents. It is the same type of night-time atmosphere as the dream with the cat statue. (that will be posted soon)
My father is setting my bed and my mother (but not quite her - more on that later) comes into the room with empty eyes, and says "Prepare him for the Warp" or something like that (she talks in English which is interesting because that's not her nature tongue). She gets the litter bin and places it under my foot which she lifts up. Then she leaves the room. I feel that someone wants to take me away.
I wake up for the first time, I'm scared. It's 3 am. I notice that the litter bin is in the position as it was in the dream (which is a strange coincidence because it is always elsewhere). I go back to sleep.
I'm in the same dream again. My room is in dark. I walk around for a while, then pull the curtains. My father is sitting with the same empty eyes out on the terrace. He looks in the direction of my room and I know he feels tired of life and is very miserable. I get a very bad feeling, but then I realise that this must be a trap for my emotions. I go out into the kitchen and find my real father, who feels relieved. We tell each other that we love each other and hug.
I wake up again. I still feel scared. I turn up the lights and try to think, but feel very sleepy and soon go back to sleep again.
The same dream continues. I see somehow in a wider perspective than I would in reality. From the kitchen I head to my parents' bedroom. My father is leaving for the bathroom, and on the bed sleeps my mother in two copies. One of them is the real one, sleeping stiff and covered. The other one is curled up on the opposite corner of the bed. I know that one is evil and the one who wants to do something to me. I pat her on the back and hold her throat. She attacks and starts to strangle me. We both go on strangling each other.
I wake up, breathing heavily. My throat hurts, not the inside but the outside. I feel the pressure on it. I am hardly able to go back to sleep and am very afraid. When I go back to sleep the dream does not continue...
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