Skeptics and debunkers
Recorded from The Crystal Chantry
Firstchild: Why is everyone talking about DNA rewriting? Has it become cool or what?
techelet: Yup. this is the age of biotech. It's the new trend. That, and nanotechnology. If you combine the two, that's the hippest.
Proteus: They think it is so close to being doable right now, they can almost taste it. It is something that they can not only pull off, but it could be highly profitable right now as well.
Firstchild: no, I was talking about prophecies and mediums, and all those people. Everyone's talking about altered DNA and stuff.
techelet: Science is magick is science. Or whatever cliche there is.
Firstchild: I think I will leave the internet alone for a while. I've had enough to become totally confused.
techelet: you need a new starting point. Instead of believing, it might be better to start at non-believing. This way, every page can only be a pleasant surprise. Take everything as rubbish unless it proves you otherwise.
Firstchild: I don't want to wind up being a skeptic and doubting everything...
techelet: Why not? What's bad with that? You have to find the way in the middle.
Firstchild: Well, that is always the easiest thing to do, isn't it? Find the way in the middle.
techelet: You have to try the other side of looking at things a bit to do so.
Firstchild: I don't want to become like those who offend everyone for what they believe.
techelet: Why would you? Look at me, am I like them? Is Proteus?
Firstchild: No, of course not.
Proteus: Skepticism is not a bad thing. It can be a useful point of reference sometimes. It is stable foundation.
techelet: Then what's wrong with looking at things the other way? Those guys you're talking about are screwed up without being skeptics as well.
Firstchild: Yeah, i guess so.
Proteus: There is a difference between a skeptic and a debunker. Debunkers are just as dogmatic about things not being true as people who will believe anything are. Skeptics analyse all of the information at hand and draw their conclusions from that.
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