Shaun Trevisick: The Search For Atlantis
Part One
Firstchild: There was a TV programme, on a local documentary channel, called "The Search FOr Atlantis". What they said on it
1, I
found interesting and
2, would like to hear your versions.
There was intriguing footage all along. They even recorded a real
sunken city somewhere, unfortunately they didn't say where (and that would have been the
really interesting part!).
On the pictures modeling Atlantis, there were heads of bulls or horns of
bulls carved out of stone everywhere - another thing they didn't explain
Lunar1: I don't remember seeing any bulls in any of my visions ... There were horn-like symbols, but they
didn't represent a bull ... They represented the unity of many souls ... It would actually be
pretty funny if someone had found that symbol and mistakened it for bulls' horns *laughs*.
Firstchild: I'll grab some images later to show you. But first, here is the "transcript":
According to Plato, there were a lot of elephants in Atlantis.
Lunar1: Okay ... But I don't see what elephants have to do with it ... Unless he was talking about other beasts and it was interpreted as elephants ...
Firstchild: The
continent itself had this one huge oblong-shaped plain, with mountains
to the east, north and west, and the ocean to the south. The capitol is
on the south end. It consists of three concentric circles, and has a
great channel, 30 meters wide and miles long, which connect the city to
the ocean.
Lunar1:That sounds about right, except, the capital was enormous (actually, I think it was the only cityaround) and it was situated between the three mountains. The south part was a cliff and it was theonly part of the island that was actually open ... So I suppose one can say that it was to thesouth then ... To the north and to the east were gates that travelers used to travel between stars and such ...
Firstchild: In the middle is this great citadel with a bull's horn on
top, there they keep all the gold and stuff.
Lunar1:The temple perhaps? I don't recall what it looked like from the outside, but it's qute possible that it had a "bull horn" *laughs* on the top. Don't know about gold though ... If they meant treasures, then yes, because the Key was there, but other than that, I don't see any connection to gold ...
Firstchild:In the beginning, Atlantis was a very nice society with everything one would ever
need, but they got greedy after a while and started to conquer
everything around them. There were many wars, then the only remaining
thing to conquer was Athens. After a big battle, the Atlanteans suffered
defeat. But when they did that came a giant cataclism and heck the whole
thing sank and most lands in the world became barren. /there may be a
line drawn between this and the 10500BC meteor which crashed into the
Lunar1: Interesting, especially since Plato was from Athens ... It is quite common to raise one's own country and praise it as the strongest ... But I honestly *don't* think that Atlantis was in for the conquering bit ... Unless this was while the council was in rule ... The council _was_ trying to find another place to live, but they weren't defeated by Athens, they died from lack of magical energy and Atlantis sunk because the crystals imploded ... But again, this is my opinion *smiles*.
Firstchild: Then come the Middle Ages.
A one-eye pirate tells Colombus about the
rich land of Anthilia, which is to the west, and is a biiig island. He
tells him seven cities were founded by seven bishops there. Colombus got
quite obsessed with that. When going to India, he headed west first to
find Anthilia. They went for 3 months, but found nothing. Colombus gave up. The next day
they discovered America.
Lunar1: (I wonder why this isn't in any history book ...)
Firstchild: Another thing that is not in the history books, by the way,
is the year America was discovered. This is not a joke, Colombus was sent out
by the pope Pius in 1485 with the mission to find new lands to spread Christianity
on. So he practically discovered America before he officially did, but it was kept secret (how they found this out was with the writing on the grave of Pius, who died in 1490. The writing says, "Under my reign was the new continent discovered", which is quite strange if America was discovered in 1492). When Colombus went in 1492, he knew the route already. Before that time Spain was occupied with its war with someone who doesn't come to mind now. That war ended in 1492, when they let colombus go, finally.
Continuing the transcript: 150 years later, Don Carlos Seguenza /I may not have the name right/,
who was born in Mexico, wanted to prove that the Spanish are not better and superior
than the indians by finding a connection to Atlantis there. He went to
Tenochticlan to find a connection between the pyramids there and the
pyramids in Giza. He was the first to draw a line between them. He also
included the Bible in his studies: he was the one to say that the Great
Flood caused the fall of Atlantis, and that was the thing that divided
mankind (the Bible says that after the Flood did the people of the Earth
separate from each other /at least that was in the programme/)
Lunar1: That was an intereting bit of information ... But they never did find out what the real connection was between the pyramids...
Firstchild: They didn't, but Graham Hancock did. In his books, Fingerprint of the gods, Heaven's
Mirror and others, he unraveled many connections between the ancient sites
we know about. His books are must-reads.
But back to the TV programme.
In 1651 there was the Mexican uprising against the Spanish. They burnt
down the whole library, and Don Carlos himself jumped in and out to save
the books he can - the books he saved are all we know now about the past
of Mexico and the surroundings.
Lunar1: How convenient *laughs* ... Books deemed dangerous were often burnt ... And then we'll never know what knowledge they held ...
Proteus: Perhaps the data has been preserved: Many 'secret societies' pass down
information only through word of mouth, because books have a way of
getting free of their restraints. It is not uncommon for the books that
can get out to have only a small fraction of the knowledge contained
therein, the rest is imparted during initiation or instruction between
Lunar1: Yes, of course, but what if that particular data was from a society that died or disappeared and there is no way to find out the information?
Proteus: If you believe the 'press releases', so to speak, they were originally
founded by people who escaped such cataclysm.
Firstchild: Druids did that word-of-mouth thing back in their time. That is why we know very little about them. They have never written down a single word, and they never
could when they were slaughtered by the Romans...
Back to the programme. In the British Empire, Queen Lizzie the First /a little inside-joke, sorry :)/ had a large interest in Atlantis. She had Francis Bacon in her court, who wrote _New Atlantis_, which has little to do with Atlantis, he just wrote an utopia. There was also one called Dr.
John Dee, a more interesting figure. He was a philosopher, doctor, mage, astrologer, and also a spy and cryptographer. He claimed he could speak to the souls of Atlanteans through his crystals.
Lunar1: Dr. Dee's method of talking to Atlantean souls is quite interesting ... I just wish we knew what the souls told him ...
Proteus: Dr. Dee transcribed the Enochian language, and formulated Quabbalistic
systems through which to interpret them. He dealt most often with Angelic
Lunar1: Fitting, considering how our visions show winged Atlanteans that
resemble angels ..
Proteus: The shewstones he collected. I do not know what knowledge, if any, he
collected from Atlantean spirits - Enochian is not a language with which I am familiar.
Firstchild: He wrote many things down. Look at Twilit Grotto Esoteric Archives, they have all his works. If the page is unavailable, give me a word and I will try to get them from somewhere else.
Continuing: In 1799, Napoleon took a lot of people to Egypt, which restarted the
Atlantis-legend. Jules Verne wrote about it in his novel Captain Nemo (1870).
Ignatious Donnelly, a retired politician from Minnesota started to study
Atlantis after a man named Schliemann uncovered the city of Troy, which until that time they thought was only a legend, like Atlantis (Homer's Iliad, the great epic takes us to the mythic battle between Troy and the greeks. You know, trojan horse and all that).
Donnelly wrote his book Atlantis, The Antediluvian world (1882) which became famous in the whole world. He also drew a line between Mexico and Egypt. In his book he describes
Atlantis as something like a continent in the past who had the same
technology they had in 1882.
Lunar1: Actually, the technology was more advanced ...
Part two
Here is the transcript for the second part of the program. (no comments this time)
In the end of the 19th century, spiritualism was getting more and more popular. A russian psychic, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky rose above most of the other psychics. She arrived in the United States after years of travelling around the world. She was considered quite ugly. She ate pretty much, she smoked, cursed all the time, but she said she was in contact with Atlantean spirits.
After a time, she moved together with Henry Olcott, who previously was a general. They had nothing to do with each other sexually and the like - they were partners. After a time, letters started to appear in the house. Blavatsky claimed they are what the spirits dictated to her. The spirits told her they accepted Olcott into their community - the community involves people like Christ, Buddha, Confucius, Solomon and Plato, who came to the Earth to set the bases of humanity. These "Cosmic Masters" - after the destruction of Atlantis - changed their home into carefully hid valleys in the Himalayas. They come out rarely to watch how humanity grows.
In 1875, when Blavatsky was in Tibet, she met Masters and was asked to find Olcotte and create the Theosophical Society, to spread the idea of universal brotherhood, to examine the sleeping power of the human mind, and to spread the wisdom of the East in the West.
In 1888, Blavatsky wrote The Secret Teaching (?), in which she states the basics of teosophy. She supports Donnelly in his Atlantis-beliefs. She also says: "Darwin is wrong - the current humanity did not originate from monkeys, but our ancestors were the people of the third era of Atlantis. The purity of those people were saved by the aryan hindus. They are the oldest race," as she says, "and the semite jews are the newest, but they have once reached the purity of the Atlanteans - though that was long ago and they are now in senseless warfare." Blavatsky died in 1901.
Her thoughts about Atlantis were used by... Hitler. During and before the second World War, to convince people that they are the best race of all, the Germans hunted for ancient artifacts, such as the Holy Grail, the Lance of Longinuss, the Lost Ark of the Covenant, and Atlantis. They even got the name aryan from Blavatsky. They wanted to prove that Atlantis was in Germany, so then logically they would be the purest and best race.
In 1933, the Germans found strange skulls in Central America. The locals said they are skulls of Atlanteans - it later turned out it was just a current of the local tribes from a few hundred years back. They got the head of the newborns into a tight something and pushed them together, so children's heads became quite "long".
Hitler and his men searched for the mythical objects for propaganda, fame and to achieve power with the use of them. They sent expeditions all over the world to search for these objects.
Germany after WWI was chaotic: no money, no food, extremist parties fought each other for control. The people had lost their self-esteem, and they needed to recuperate.
Edmund Kiß started the series of novels on Atlantis, he altogether had four books, the most popular one was Frühling in Atlantis. He claims: "A small planet of ice hit Earth long ago, bringing the aryan race to the planet. They arrived much before civilisation started - so they were superior. They created Atlantis in the middle of Europe (not too far from Germany, of course... - FC), but another planet of ice came and destroyed the whole continent. The aryans moved North to spare their pureness, and they became the Germans in a few hundred years."
Kiß says that Atlantis is cyclic: it is that time (1930's, 40's) when they need the Great Leader to come and help them regain their purity.
He drew the map of the capital of Atlantis the same as Plato, except for one minor replacement: in the middle there is no temple like Plato said, but a large Nazi Headquarters instead. During WWII they even thought about rebuilding Berlin the way Atlantis was built.
After WWII, however, the whole thing about the Atlantis-connection was forgotten because the scientists who worked in those excavations, experiments, etc. burned all their memos and logs.
In 1899, Arthur Evans found the remains of the civilization on Crete. He named it the Minos (how do you call it in English? Minosian?) culture, after the mythical person King Minos. He named it for no particular reason. The central of this culture was Knossos (is this the correct spelling?), they mainly dealt with being merchants. (how do they know that, no idea. they must've speculated it because they had lot of ships and Crete's far off from the other things. historians do that many times) Nobody knows where they came from, and where they disappeared, but they say they disappeared around 1500BC (the time when Platon lived was around 300BC). They liked the bull as a symbol.
The first series of Atlantis-movies in Hollywood (Hollywoodland, then) was created in the 30's, starring Ray "Crash" Corrigan, who had a swimcap on his head with razor blades.
The basis of these movies was: "Hey, Atlantis sounds good. Let's make a few movies about it. Yeah, cool idea."
The movies used stupid pre-computer effects, people looking like fish or wearing hilarious costumes. They featured heroes, big monsters, and great explosions as a form of the destruction of Atlantis. Every piece of mythology or other ideas they found they put in, with little connection to Atlantis itself.
1961 brought Atlantis, the Lost Continent, in which a daring young greek fisherman called Demetrius (strange that all Hollywood films that play in Greece usually have a Demetrius) rescues princess Anthilia from the clutches of the evil Atlantian empire. Woo hoo.
In 1960, under Santorini - not far from Crete - , a man named Marinatos found clues relating to volcanic eruption. He later proved that around 1500BC, the big island of Santorini exploded with the power of 150 hidrogen bombs. Even in Egypt and Israel ashes fell from the sky. On the Mediterranean sea there were great floods. Santorini had much more developed technology than most of the people at that time. They know this because a city called Acrotiri was excavated in 1967.
A great Atlantis-campaign started (and still goes on) for Santorini, though it doesn't match the description of Plato at all - to start with, Plato put it 9000 years before his time, and Santorini exploded around 1500.
If you read this, you know the answer to my question in the last letter - why they used the bull symbol for Atlantis all the way around in the programme. Because of Santorini being believed to had been Atlantis, and Santorini is not far from Crete, where the bull is all over.
On to the hippy-era. In 1968, people who were followers of Edgar Cayce found strange markings in the sea near Florida, Bimini. They claimed they are ruins of an ancient city. (Edgar Cayce had a prophecy saying "Atlantis will be reborn in 1967/68) It turned out that originally those people were looking for gold, and found that instead. The other theory for what is there is: Colombus's ships' cargo. In those times, people simply dropped the cargo into the sea if the ship was getting heavy.
Cayce had another prediction saying that under the Sphinx in 1999 they will find writings from Atlantis (it has been proven that there is something underneath the Sphinx but they don't let people there for some reason... - FC)
And finally, to our so-called modern age. A British ex-Navy person says he found the exact plain, as described by Plato, in Bolivia. Not much information on that.
Rand Flem-Ath is someone more interesting. He says that in a geological catastrophy, a part of the Earth's crust slid down to the Antarctic Circle. He also says that a few Atlanteans survived the catastrophy, they scattered around the world and done all the ancient things known today, like Gizah, Angkor, etc. If we solve their mathematical mysteries (which Graham Hancock is doing - FC) we can find Atlantis. He claims he found Atlantis, under the ice of the Antarctic. (wonder why we call it Antarctic :)
Studies show that 1400 meters below the ice there is a large circular object.
What today's skeptics say: Plato made the whole thing up, because he was so sad about losing Socrates, he tried to think up a fantasy world which would be the ultimate society.
End of programme.
Do you have info on what they found beneath the ice of the Antarctic? Do you have any questions or comments? Don't hesitate to give us a word!
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