Sting: Brand New Day

Click on the pictures for larger versions. (images courtesy of VH1)

Prophet high above the land... you can almost smell the atmosphere

'Say hello, people!'

'Hello, people!'

Sting materializes - cool effect


Nice clothes

International bodyguards


...and After.

Turn the clock to zero honey...

You know, I just love Sting. What he does is talk about serious subjects and have a sense of humour about them. On the other side, he always has the best music videos.

Brand New Day is no exception. Beautiful art and backgrounds, nice clothes, mystical atmosphere. And the whole role of Sting, followed by all his believers, holding the sacred detergent and pretending to walk on water - until he trips and falls off the unseen floor into the water. (If you haven't seen the video, look at the pictures)

But there are still one or two things that bother me. Who are these "bodyguards" (picture seven)? Who's the prophet (picture one)? And the most intriguing part: who's the little kid in the end of the video? He's drawing something in front of a TV screen then crosses some water (picture seventeen) to some sort of terrace with two adults talking and a personal waterfall behind them (picture eighteen and nineteen). That seems somewhat symbolic, so I ask what they mean? Ideas welcome.

I just dig these kids.

Nice hairdew.

I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien...

The world-saving...

...washing detergent


Well whad'ya know.

Now who is this kid?

I'd like to have an apartment like that.

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