Adopt a creature!

Ever thought about adopting a cute little element, faerie, dragon or angel orphan? You're problem is solved! Here you can find them all! The only thing you have to do is fill out the form, after you read the rules.


- You must have a webpage! (or else where would you put poor fellow? *.*)
- Your website can be about everything except adult materials (they are too young for that)
- Your orphan has to be up before you send the form!
- Send the form only once! (i.e. don't push the 'go' button all day...)
- Download the image to your own server!
- You must link back to us!
- You can have as many orphans as you wish!
- Take care of him/her!

If we checked your homepage, and everything's okay, we'll add you to the proud parents list!

Your name
Your e-mail address (required)
Your website's URL (required)
Creature(s) you've adopted (required)
Comments, if any

Here are the orphans you can adopt. Save the ones you choose to your disk (you know, right mouse button, save picture as...) and then upload them to your webpage.

a n i m a t e d
a n i m a t e d
a n i m a t e d
a n i m a t e d

Originals of images taken from RPG Maker, edited and recolored by Niluda (so please don't use them under your own name or for your own purpose)!

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